There are many reasons why you need somewhere to store your personal items securely:
You are travelling abroad and need somewhere to safely store household items, You are selling your property and need to declutter your home to make it more attractive to potential buyers, who won’t get distracted by your belongings; You are selling your property and are going to rent whilst you find your ideal next home; You are going through personal changes such as divorce and require somewhere to keep your belongings whilst you organise a new home; The kids have moved out and you find it difficult to maintain the costs of a large home, so you are downsizing to a smaller home and need to not be hassled by lots of belonging.
Whatever your reason, don’t stress about moving. Self-storage units are a great, hassle-free solution to the many issues that can arise during a planned move, you can reduce overall moving costs by decluttering your belongings before you move and putting items into storage means you have less planning to organise. You can see what works and what doesn’t work for your new home- and once you are settled you can plan what stored items will be useful. You may be ‘between houses’ so having personal items in storage means you don’t have to think about them. Temporary accommodation may not have room for all your furniture and belongings and family or friends won’t appreciate your stay including all your personal belongings! Without unnecessary baggage, you can move quickly about securing a new home. Sometimes things happen that aren’t planned for. It could be that there is a problem in the chain- with a mortgage, or dates that need to be moved. Whatever the problem, with items being in storage, you don’t need to worry about what to do with them. You can do everything at your own pace. You may not want to sort out everything immediately. The advantage of self-storage is that you can do things at your pace- so you can feel more in control in an otherwise stressful situation. You need to make some renovations to your new home. Whether it’s painting walls, fitting carpets or installing a new kitchen, keeping items in storage means the jobs can be done much easier and your items are safely stored away. You are moving to a different country and want some time to check out the new location before your move there permanently. Self-storage will give you the ability to travel freely without the worry of bringing lots of belongings with you. If you have a new job and need to move to a new place or another country, self-storage means you can store away all your personal belongings whilst you look for your new home.